Popis propisa za državne službenike i namještenike dostupan je putem linka:
Popis propisa za službenike i namještenike lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave dostupan je putem linka:
Dopunska literatura:
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Bach, Stephen; Bordogna, Lorenzo. Reframing public service employment relations: The impact of economic crisis and the new EU economic governance, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 19 (2013), 4, str. 279–294.
Ioannou, Christos A. Greek public service employment relations: A Gordian knot in the era of sovereign default. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 19 (2013), 4, str. 295-308.
Stoleroff, Alan. Employment relations and unions in public administration in Portugal and Spain: From reform to austerity. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 19 (2013), 4, str. 309-323.
Bordogna, Lorenzo; Pedersini, Roberto. Economic crisis and the politics of public service employment relations in Italy and France, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 19 (2013), 4, str. 325-340.
Bach, Stephen; Stroleny, Alexandra. Public service employment restructuring in the crisis in the UK and Ireland: Social partnership in retreat, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 19 (2013), 4, str. 341–357.
Keller, Berndt. Germany: The public sector in the financial and debt crisis. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 19 (2013), 4, str. 359-374.
Wesley Hansen, Nana; Mailand, Mikkel. Public service employment relations in an era of austerity: The case of Denmark. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 19 (2013), 4, str. 375–389.
Strategija razvoja javne uprave za razdoblje od 2015. do 2020. godine, NN 70/2015.
Dodatne korisne stranice (npr. za rad i uvjete rada u EU institucijama, javnu službu i sl.):
SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management in Central and Eastern European Countries) http://www.sigmaweb.org/