Krunoslav Fučkor
Faculty of Law University of Zagreb hosted from 23 to 27 January 2023 the PEPP (Programme in European Private Law for Postgraduates - during which doctoral candidates from 8 countries from prestigious universities such as universities in Münster, Leuven, Valencia, Cambridge, Bonn, Katowice, Maribor, Genova, Zagreb, and the Bucerius Law School, as well as Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, attended lectures in private law, organised by the Chair of Civil Law. Furthermore, the doctoral candidates had a rich social programme within which they toured Zagreb and Zagreb City Museum, visited the Croatian National Bank and even had an opportunity to practice salsa dance! The programme shall continue in March at the University of Leuven, whereas the programme shall end in June at the University of Genova.