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Bioethics and Human Rights
Studij: Građanskopravni - 9. semestar
Kaznenopravni - 9. semestar
Međunarodnopravni - 9. semestar
Pravo Europske unije - 9. semestar
Trgovačkopravni - 9. semestar
Ustavno-upravni - 9. semestar
Šifra: 79153
ECTS: 4.0
Nositelji: izv. prof. dr. sc. Sunčana Roksandić
prof. dr. sc. Ksenija Turković
Izvođači: izv. prof. dr. sc. Aleksandar Maršavelski - Predavanja
Ispitni rokovi:
  • 09. 09. 2024.
Prijava ispita: Studomat
Osnovni podaci
Bioethics and Human Rights Građanskopravni - 9. semestar
Kaznenopravni - 9. semestar
Međunarodnopravni - 9. semestar
Pravo Europske unije - 9. semestar
Trgovačkopravni - 9. semestar
Ustavno-upravni - 9. semestar
4.0 79153
Nositelj Konzultacije Lokacija
izv. prof. dr. sc. Sunčana Roksandić

četvrtkom u 9 sati. Obzirom na izvanredne okolnosti uzrokovane potresom i COVID-19 pandemijom, dostupna e-mailom:

Ćirilometodska 4, soba Ćirilometodska 4, soba 54
prof. dr. sc. Ksenija Turković
Izvođač Konzultacije Lokacija
izv. prof. dr. sc. Aleksandar Maršavelski (Predavanja)

ponedjeljkom u 18:30 sati, Gundulićeva 10, soba 12/I. (najaviti dolazak putem e-maila zbog mogućnosti službenog odsustva)

Gundulićeva 10, soba 12
OBVEZNA: UNESCO Core Curriculum in Bioethics and Human Rights (Volume 1 and 2); UNESCO, str
OBVEZNA: COVID -19 Responses; , str. selected
PREPORUČENA: Amnon Carmi // Ksenija Turković, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička; Informirani pristanak; Unit of UNESCO Chair, Sveučilište u Zagrebu (2009), str. selected chapters
PREPORUČENA: Bernard M. Dickens, Rebecca J. Cook, Eszter Kismodi // Ksenija Turković, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Aleksandar Maršavelski; Reproduktivno zdravlje: Analiza slučajeva s etičkim komentarom; Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2011), str. selected
PREPORUČENA: A. Carmi, D. Moussaoui, J. Arboleda-Florez // Ksenija Turković, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Aleksandar Maršavelski; Predavanja etike u psihijatriji; Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2012), str. selected chapters
PREPORUČENA: Silke Schicktanz, Claudia Wiesemann, Sabine Woehlke // Ksenija Turković, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Aleksandar Maršavelski; Podučavanje etike u presađivanju organa i darivanju tkiva; Unit of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2013), str. selected chapters
Opis predmeta
Predmet se bavi etičkim problemima u biomedicini te, dovodeći ih u vezu s ljudskim pravima, uključuje analizu razvoja moralnih i bioetičkih argumenata u zdravstvstvenom pravu u Hrvatskoj i svijetu. Predmet započinje pregledom zdravstvenog sustava te njegovog ustavnog i zakonskog okvira. Naglasak se stavlja na koncepte prava na zdravlje, medicinske etike, prava pacijenata te efikasnosti i sigurnosti zdravstvene skrbi. Posebne teme koje se obrađuju uključuju: širenje zaraznih bolesti, povjerljivost, informirani pristanak, lječničku grešku, oblike odgovornosti, vještačenja, medicinska istraživanja i eksperimente, doniranje i presađivanje organa, hitne situacije, intenzivnu njegu, pobačaj, korištenje lijekova i novih medicinskih tehnologija, regulaciju nanomedicine i biotehnologije, matične stanice, pitanja smrti i umiranja, tretman osoba s duševnim smetnjama itd. U različitim temama koje se obrađuju, glavni zadatak ovog predmeta jest naučiti primijeniti bioetičke teorije na slučajeve iz prakse i kritički analizirati uloge međunarodnih organizacija, države, poslovnih subjekata i pojedinaca u pristupu pravu na zdravlje. Poseban naglasak je dan i analizi globalnih odgovora na pandemiju COVID-19.
Ispitni rokovi
09. 09. 2024.

UNESCO Chair in Bioethics (Haifa)

(World Bioethics Day 2017)

October 19, 2017

Program of the Croatian Unit

‘Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights)





The fundamental equality of all human beings in dignity and rights is to be respected so that they are treated justly and equitably.

Place: University of Zagreb (Croatia), Grand Council Hall (Velika vijećnica), Trg RH 14, Zagreb

Time: 12:30-17:15 h

Name of the Institute: University of Zagreb

Name of the Unit: Croatian Unit UNESCO Chair in Bioethics

Name of the Unit Head: Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička

Year of Establishment of Unit: 2009

Program Details: October 19th, 2017.

Language of the Venue: Croatian


Part 1.

Welcome address (12:30-12:40): Ante Čovićvice-rector, Head of the Centre of Excellence in integrative bioethics, University of Zagreb

Vice-dean, izv. Tereza Rogić Lugarić, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Opening speech (12:40-13:00): Dignity in healthcare – access to healthcare Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, Head of the Croatian Unit of the                      UNESCO Chair in Bioethics, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

prof. dr. sc. Selma Šogorić, Medical School, University of Zagreb, member of the of the Croatian Unit of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics

Contemporary topics in Croatian medical law and bioethics: ‘Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights) (13:00-13:45) Vanja Vučićević Boras, School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb

Access to health care in Croatia: practical examples


Renata Pražetina Kaleb, judge, Municipal Criminal Court

Challenges in adjudication concerning medical malpractice and respecting the dignity of victims Barbara Preložnjak, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Equality and right to heath care


  1. Local representative of UNESCO Chair (13:45-14:00): Iris Golder Lang, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Access to healthcare in EU: Protection of dignity and equality:  Equality, Justice and Equity


  1. Students Essay Writing Competition: ‘Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights) (14:00-14:15)


Break: 15 min (14:15-14:30) (drinks & refreshments)


Part 2. Guest lecture by eminent experts (14:30-14:45):  

  1. Ksenija Turković, judge, European Court of Human Rights :‘Equality, Justice and Equity:’ Access to healthcare (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights) and European Convention on Human Rights


Part 3 Debate Competition: ‘Equality, Justice and Equity’ (Article 10 of Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights): Access to healthcare


Introduction: Representative of the ministry of health, Croatian Medical Chamber, and University Hospital in Zagreb

Participants: Students (Medical School, Dental medicine, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Catholic Theology, Faculty of Law)

Name and title of the participants: to be announced

        Commentators: Ana Borovečki, Medical School, University of Zagreb, Vanja Vučićević Boras, School of Dental Medicine, Hrvoje Jurić, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Aleksandar Maršavelski, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb


Coffee break (15:30-15:45)


Part 4. Award for active member

Upon decision of the UNESCO Chair Unit members, announced on October 19th (15:45-16:00)


Part 5. Activities in Croatian bioethics: importance of bioethics in legal studies: (16:00-17:15)

Lecture –Future topics (16:50 – 17:05): Tamara Čapeta, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb: Artificial Intelligence – Ethical and Legal Issues,

prof.dr. sc. Darko Polšek, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb: Personalized medicine and behavioral economics

Panel discussion – moderator – Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička

Participants: Drago Polšek, Iva Sorta-Bilajac Turina, Jozo Čizmić, Aleksandar Maršavelski, Hrvoje Jurić



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