Course Menu
Chair of Foreign Languages
English for Social Work II
Study: Social Work - 3. semester
Code: 31733
ECTS: 4.0
Course coordinators: Miljen Matijašević , v. pred.
dr. sc. Marijana Javornik-Čubrić , v. pred.
Lecturers: Agnes Milovan-Solter , pred. - Lectures
Exam dates:
  • 09. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
English for Social Work II Social Work - 3. semester
4.0 31733
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
Miljen Matijašević , v. pred.

in the exam periods by appointment

Gundulićeva 10, room Gundulićeva 10, soba 6
dr. sc. Marijana Javornik-Čubrić , v. pred.

Wednesday 11-12

Gundulićeva 10, room 6
Lecturer Consultations Location
Agnes Milovan-Solter , pred. (Lectures) Gundulićeva 10, room br. 6
REQUIRED: Marijana Javornik Čubrić; English for the Social Work Profession; Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Pravni fakultet, Biblioteka socijalnog rada (2020), str. 208
RECOMMENDED: Željko Bujas; Novi englesko-hrvatski rječnik; Nakladni zavod Globus (2019), str. 1920
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic vocabulary in the areas of social work. Within the course the students learn about social work ethics and ethical dilemmas social workers are faced with. The importance of human rights and the role of the European Court of Human Rights is analyzed. The activity of social workers in fighting poverty and social exclusion is described. Family law and the activity of social workers in the area of child protection is discussed. The problems that the older persons and disabled persons are faced with are analyzed. The most important principles of social work are emphasized using relevant terminology in the English language. Various types of texts are analyzed and translated, including parts of various acts, conventions and press releases.
Within every topic there are numerous exercises related to terminology, collocations, word formation and translation skills.
Special attention is paid to the acquisition of terminology and the development of communication skills. Students are encouraged to work independently and further research the discussed topics and prepare their own presentations.
Exam dates
09. 09. 2024.