prof. dr. sc. Maja Seršić
prof. dr. sc.
Maja Seršić

Professor of International Law,
Head of the International Law Department, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law.
UNIVERSITY EDUCATION: B.A. (1980), M.A. (1987) and Ph.D. (1991), Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb.
SPECIALIZATION AND RESEARCH VISITS: Halifax (Canada), The Hague (The Netherlands), Heidelberg (Germany), Luxembourg, Nijmegen (The Netherlands), Thessaloniki (Greece).
INVITED LECTURER AND SPEAKER at postgraduate courses and international conferences: Agrigento, Anacapri, Athens, Dubrovnik, Geneva, Genoa, The Hague, Ljubljana, Naples, Nijmegen, Split, Tunis; co-director of a postgraduate course on the law of the sea at the Dubrovnik Inter-University Centre (1992-2001).
- participated in amending process of the Barcelona Convention and its related Protocols and the Mediterranean Action Plan (1994-1995, 2002-2003);
- participated in revision of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (1995-1999);
- Member of the Croatian delegation at the Meetings of the States Parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (1995-1998);
- Member of the Bureau of the 1954 UNESCO Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its 1999 Protocol (2010-2014).
1997 - Member of the Advisory Body of Experts on the Law of the Sea (ABE-LOS) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);
1998-2008 - Member of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) of the Council of Europe;
since 2002 - Permanent Court of Arbitration, Arbitrator under Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes relating to Natural Resources and/or Environment;
2003-2006 - Member of the Board of Directors of the European Law Faculty Association (ELFA) (2004-2006, Vice-president);
2004-2006 – Member of the European Science Foundation; Standing Committee for the Social Sciences.
OTHER (inter alia):
2007 - Co-Agent of the Republic of Croatia before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the case concerning Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia); member of the team of the Republic of Croatia in the oral proceedings before the ICJ in 2008 (jurisdiction phase) and in 2014 (merits);
2010 - Agent of the Republic of Croatia before the Arbitration Tribunal in the case concerning land and maritime delimitation between Croatia and Slovenia; Head of Croatian team in the oral proceedings before the Arbitral Tribunal in The Hague in 2014.


Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Pollution from Offshore Activities in the Mediterranean: Prevention and Liability

Seršić, Maja
Liber Amicorum Mirjam Škrk and Borut Bohte

The Development of the International Marine Environmental Protection and Current Problems

Seršić, Maja

The international and civil liability for damages to marine environment

Seršić, Maja

Due Diligence : Fault-Based Responsibility or Autonomous Standard?

Seršić, Maja

Contemporary Developments in International Law : Essays in Honour of Budislav Vukas


The Boundaries of the Republic of Croatia at Sea

Seršić, Maja ; Šošić, Trpimir Mihael

International law and special regimes

Seršić, Maja

Diplomatic protection

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

International Law - Part 2

Andrassy, Juraj ; Bakotić, Božidar ; Lapaš, Davorin ; Seršić, Maja ; Vukas, Budislav

The transcript of the soundtrack from the symposium "Personal criminal liability in the practice of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia", Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, 28 November 2011

Parać, Zoran ; Derenčinović, Davor ; Becker, Steven W. ; Seršić, Maja ; Bojanić, Igor, pravnik ; Mikuličić, Goran ; Kajić-Kudelić, Patricija ; Kačić, Hrvoje ; Jelinić, Srećko, pravnik ; Horvatić, Željko
Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske = Yearbook Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences

Theory of joint criminal enterprise and international criminal law - challenges and controversies

Derenčinović, Davor ; Horvatić, Željko ; Bojanić, Igor ; Krapac, Davor ; Seršić, Maja

Theory of joint criminal enterprise and international criminal law - challenges and controversies

Derenčinović, Davor ; Horvatić, Željko ; Bojanić, Igor ; Krapac, Davor ; Seršić, Maja

Neutrality in International Armed Conflicts at Sea

Seršić, Maja

International Law - Part 1

Andrassy, Juraj ; Bakotić, Božidar ; Seršić, Maja ; Vukas, Budislav

Responsibility and Liability for Pollution of the Marine Environment: Responsibility of States and Civil Liability

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Article 51 of the UN Charter and the "War" against Terrorism

Seršić, Maja

Aggression, Self-defence and Anticipatory Self-defence

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Jurisprudence of International Tribunals in Designing Concepts of Derived Criminal Responsibility

Seršić, Maja
Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Razred za društvene znanosti

International Responsibility of State

Seršić, Maja

The American Pre-emptive Strike Doctrine and International Law

Seršić, Maja
Adrias (Split)

International Law - Part 3

Andrassy, Juraj ; Bakotić, Božidar ; Seršić, Maja ; Vukas, Budislav

Law of the European Union and International Law

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

The European Union Law - A Self Contained Regime)

Seršić, Maja
ADRIAS - Zbornik Zavoda za znanstveni i umjetnički rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Splitu

Countermeasures in Contemporary International Law

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

International Legal Protection of the Marine Environment

Seršić, Maja

The Principle of "Uti Possidetis" in International Law

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

The Impact of Multilateral Insurance and Compensation Funds on Liability for Environmental Harm

Seršić, Maja

International Legal Aspects of Environment Protection

Seršić, Maja

The Mediterranean and the Law of the Sea at the Dawn of the 21st Century

Seršić, Maja
Colloque inaugural de la Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer

Nuclear Tests and International Law

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

The Exclusive Economic Zone in the Adriatic

Seršić, Maja
Periodicum Biologorum : Supplement 1 : Responsible Coastal Zone Management - The Challenge of the 21th Century

State Responsibility : Questions of Fault and Due Diligence

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

International Crimes of States: A Separate Category of Internationally Wrongful Acts?

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Environment - international legal aspect

Seršić, Maja

International liability for injurious consequences arising out of acts not prohibited by international law

Seršić, Maja
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu

Protection of Cultural Property in Time of Armed Conflict

Seršić, Maja
Netherlands yearbook of international law

The 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development and the Mediterranean: the 1995 Amendments of Barcelona Convention and its Related Protocols

Seršić, Maja
Uporedno pomorsko pravo

Oil Pollution Damage - Extent and Compensation

Seršić, Maja
Uporedno pomorsko pravo

The Crisis in the Eastern Adriatic and the Law of the Sea

Seršić, Maja
Ocean Development and International Law

Succession of States in Respect of State Archives

Seršić, Maja

Legal Status of Offshore Mobile Craft Used for Exploration of Oil and Gas from Seabed in Yugoslav and Compartive Maritime Law

Seršić, Maja
Uporedno pomorsko pravo

Regional vs. Global Approach to Marine Environmental Protection

Seršić, Maja
Prinosi za poredbeno proučavanje prava i međunarodno pravo

Extracontractual Liability for Pollution Damage Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of Seabed Mineral Resources

Seršić, Maja
Uporedno pomorsko pravo

Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the Seabed and its Subsoil, The Legal Regime of Enclosed or Semi-Enclosed Seas: The Particular Case of the Mediterranean

Seršić, Maja
Prinosi za poredbeno proučavanje prava i međunarodno pravo

Scientific Research of the Sea in accordance with the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

Seršić, Maja
Uporedno pomorsko pravo i pomorska kupoprodaja

International Law of Fisheries and Legal Status of Fishing Vessels with Special Reference to the 1982 UN Law of the Sea Convention

Seršić, Maja
Uporedno pomorsko pravo i pomorska kupoprodaja

Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution by Dumping of Waste and other Matter from Ships and Aircraft

Seršić, Maja
Uporedno pomorsko pravo i pomorska kupoprodaja

List of select projects

Leader of the research project on the application of international humanitarian law in the Republic of Croatia, the results of which wrere published in: Customary International Humanitarian Law, Volume 1, Rules, ed. by J-M. Henckaerts, L. Doswald-Beck, ICRC, 2005.