After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- define financial system and financial markets and their tasks;
- explain financial institutions and their organisationall and legal structure;
- describe basic financial instruments and financial services;
- explain basic characteristics of relevant Croatian regulations about capital market, credit institutions, money transfers and Croatian National Bank;
- define the connection between Croatian financial system with European and international systems.
After successgully completing the course, students will be able to:
- recognise quick changes in financial system and thier importance for the fiscal system;
- summarise aims and tasks of the Croatian National Bank and other relevant bodies that control capitral market, credit institutions and money transfers;
- explain the influence of international financial market on the national financial system;
- identify and group main risks and management of the relevant regulations;
- discuss the connection between rules of operation on Croatian, European and international financial markets.
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- apply acquired knowledge about financial markets to understanding of business environment;
- interpret rules that regulate financial system of the Republic of Croatia in the part of determining rules of operation for national and international transactions;
- demonstrate the importance of risk management in operation on financial markets and their connection with the costs of operation;
- apply acquired knowledge about financial systems to concrete business transactions, particularly in trems of clearly argumenting and communicationg about the level of epected profits, expenditure and risks.
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- analyse influences of financial markets on determining the level of income, expenses and risks for market participants;
- compare different financial instruments and their influence on income and expenditure of the offerer and borrower on financial market;
examine possibility of selection of various financial instruments on financial market for the needs of market participants (individual, institutional or public bodies)
- categorise priorities in determining the choice of financial instruments from the aspect of risk, costs and profits.
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- propose optimal transactions on financial market from the aspect of expected incoem and expenditure for market participants;
- propose optimal financial instruments in terms of their riskiness;
- formulate results of analyses of financial transactions and usage of financial instruments and thus provide support in making decisions about participation in financial markets;
- formulate legal framework of national and international financial operation of natural and legal persons in the country and foreign persons in the country
After successfully completing the course, students will be able to:
- compare advantages and disadvantages of the application of individual financial instruments;
- valorise importance of the application of knowledge about financial markets and instruments in operation and management of public funds;
- select financial transactions that optimally contribute to correct solutions in the operation of natural and legal persons and public bodies;
- select, bearing in mind relevant Croatian rules that regulate national and international financial operations, financial instruments that will satisfy risk aptitude of market participants;
- efficiently communicate, orally and in writing, about the issues of expected profits and costs, usage of financial instrument and their lčegal regulation, offering advice and recommendations
Mid-term examination is a fomr of written test in which the student proves the ability to define basic principles and concepts related to financial institutions anmd markets, reproduces the explanation of basic elements of financial systems, groups, illustrates and interprets basic institutes, concepts and instruments of financial market and relevant legal regulation in the Republic of Croatia.
Seminar paper is directed towards independent systematic presentation of an individual topic from the subjkect area by using additional literature and available relevant information from journals, their collection, interpretation and making decisions. The student also has to present the results of analyses and evaluation of the selected facts, by which hw or she proves understanding and creativity, and the ability to clearly express himself.
Oral examination is a form of testing knowledge which requires proving the ability to apply knowledge and understanding about financial markets for the purpose of demonstrating consequences of the application of financial instruments, comparative analysis of various financial systems and making conclusions about the efficiency of monetary policy.