8th International Spring Course...
From 20th to 25th of March 2016, the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik hosted the 8th edition of the International Spring Course " Crime Prevention through Criminal Law & Security Studies ", which was organized by the Criminal Law Chair of Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, with the support of organizing partners Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg, Germany) and De Paul University (Chicago, USA). After going through a selection process, 40 participants had the opportunity to attend presentations of renown scholars and professors who discussed various topics related to this year's course title: Technology and Criminal Law: Manifestations and Implications. The Course also included the 2nd Adriatic Moot Court Competition, in which 32 students, coming from different countries (FYR Macedonia, Russia, Spain, Kazahstan etc.), actively participated. The competition was coordinated by a distinguished American lawyer Steven W. Becker, Assistant Secretary General of the International Association of Penal Law (AIDP). Members of the winning team were Kristina Rudec, Sara Opačić, Valentina Beg and Janko Havaš, while Kristina Mandić received the best oralist award. The best student paper presentation certificate was awarded to Lindsay Freeman .
Alumni Grants Program 2015: Promoting...
To mark the International Day of Fight against Corruption, the Chair of Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, organized a round table on 7/12/2015 and a workshop on 8/12/2015 titled “Promoting Compliance Strategies and Preventing Corruption in the Private Sector”. The event was organized within the scope of the project of the Croatian Science Foundation project titled “Multidisciplinary Research Cluster on Crime in Transition – Trafficking in Human Beings, Corruption and Economic Crime“ and with the support of the “Alumni Grants Program 2015“. Besides the Dean of the Faculty of Law Professor Dubravka Hrabar and the Vice-dean for international cooperation and Science Professor Davor Derenčinović , the presenters were Mr. Dražen Jelinić , State Atorney General Deputy and Representative of Croatia in GRECO, Dr. Marin Mrčela , justice of the Supreme Court of Croatia and President of GRECO, Dr. Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička , Senior Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Unversity of Zagreb, Ms. Sunčanica Skupnjak Kapić , Secretary General of the National Committee ICC Croatia, Mr. Charles Duross , Partner, Morrison & Foerster, Washington, D.C., former deputy chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice , Professor Peter J. Henning , Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School, Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Marc Engelhart , Head of the Economic Criminal Law Section, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Ms. Blythe J. McGarvie , a member of Accenture's board of directors, former senior lecture at Harvard Business School .  
Participation of Chair members at the...
Within the scope of cooperation betwen law faculties of University of Zagreb and University of Ljubljana, on 29 October 2015 an international conference took place in Ljubljana titled Fight against Corruption: beween good governance and preventive actions, legal regulation and international cooperation . Among the delegation members from Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, headed by vice-dean Prof. Davor Derenčinović , the conference participants were also members of Chair of Criminal Law: Dr. Marta Dragičević Prtenjača , Dr. Vanda Božić and Aleksandar Maršavelski .
Official guest visit of two...
On 19 October 2015, two delegations from the East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL) and Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), headed by the rector of ECUPL and the director of the SASS Prof. Qing Ye , including the vice-dean of the ECUPL Law School Prof. Wanhuai Sun and the director of the ECUPL's International Exchange Centre Prof. Xia Fei , met with the dean Prof. Dubravka Hrabar and the Vice-Dean Prof. Davor Derenčinović . Within the scope of this official guest visit to the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, they discussed the possibility of establishing a mutual agreement of cooperation. The delegations also consisted of Dr. Zhang Dong (ECUPL), Dr. Chen Ling (SASS), Dr. An Wenlu (SASS), Dr. Du Wenjun (SASS) and Dr. Wang Peifen (SASS), and they subsequently met several members of the Chair of Criminal Law, including the head of the Chair Prof. Davor Derenčinović, Dr. Maja Munivrana Vajda, Dr. Marta Dragičević Prtenjača and Aleksandar Maršavelski.
7th International Spring Course...
From 22nd to 28th of March 2015, the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik hosted the 7th edition of the International Spring Course "Crime Prevention through Criminal Law & Security Studies", which was organized by the Criminal Law Chair of Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, with the support of organizing partners Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg, Germany) and De Paul University (Chicago, USA). After going through a selection process, nearly 40 participants had the opportunity to attend presentations of renown scholars and professors who discussed various topics related to this year's course title: National vs. International Criminal Adjudication: Shadow on the Wall . Along with presentations given by course directors Professor Davor Derenčinović (University of Zagreb), Professor Richard Farkas (De Paul University) and Dr. Michael Kilchling (Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law), it is important to note lectures given by Professor Hans-Jörg Albrecht , the Director of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg, Germany), on "Sentencing in National and International Courts" and Professor Denis Edwards , Visiting Professor at the DePaul University College of Law (Chicago, USA), on "EU Laws and Environmental Crimes". 
President of the International...
Mr. Sang-Hyun Song , President of the International Criminal Court gave lecture on "The International Criminal Court and its role in pursuing universal justice"  on Friday, May 16, 2014. and had a meeting with the members of the Chair of Criminal Law: Prof. dr. sc. Davor Derenčinović , Doc. dr. sc. Anna-Maria Getoš , Doc. dr. sc. Maja Munivrana Vajda , Mr. sc. Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička , Ms. Marta Dragičević Prtenjača and Mr. Aleksandar Maršavelski .
New cooperation agreement with the...
On 22 March 2013 the dean of the Faculty of Law Zagreb Prof. Zoran Parać  and director of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg  Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.  Hans-Jörg Albrecht formally signed a general cooperation agreement and an agreement on project cooperation between the Max Planck Institute and the Chair of Criminal Law on research and prevention of human trafficking. First annual symposium on combating human trafficking followed.