To mark the International Day of Fight against Corruption, the Chair of Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, organized a round table on 7/12/2015 and a workshop on 8/12/2015 titled “Promoting Compliance Strategies and Preventing Corruption in the Private Sector”. The event was organized within the scope of the project of the Croatian Science Foundation project titled “Multidisciplinary Research Cluster on Crime in Transition – Trafficking in Human Beings, Corruption and Economic Crime“ and with the support of the “Alumni Grants Program 2015“. Besides the Dean of the Faculty of Law Professor Dubravka Hrabar and the Vice-dean for international cooperation and Science Professor Davor Derenčinović , the presenters were Mr. Dražen Jelinić , State Atorney General Deputy and Representative of Croatia in GRECO, Dr. Marin Mrčela , justice of the Supreme Court of Croatia and President of GRECO, Dr. Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička , Senior Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Unversity of Zagreb, Ms. Sunčanica Skupnjak Kapić , Secretary General of the National Committee ICC Croatia, Mr. Charles Duross , Partner, Morrison & Foerster, Washington, D.C., former deputy chief, Fraud Section, Criminal Division, U.S. Department of Justice , Professor Peter J. Henning , Professor of Law, Wayne State University Law School, Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Marc Engelhart , Head of the Economic Criminal Law Section, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg, Ms. Blythe J. McGarvie , a member of Accenture's board of directors, former senior lecture at Harvard Business School .