Basic data | |||
International Labour and Social Security Law | 4.0 | 144865 |
Lecturer in charge | Consultations | Location |
prof. dr. sc. Ivana Grgurev | Trg Republike Hrvatske 14, room 44 | |
prof. dr. sc. Viktor Gotovac | Wednesdays at 5 pm |
Gundulićeva 10, room 11 |
prof. dr. sc. Ivana Vukorepa | Thursdays at 11.00. |
Gundulićeva 10, room 13 |
Lecturer | Consultations | Location |
doc. dr. sc. Iva Bjelinski Radić (Lectures) | In the academic year 2023/2024 consultations will not be held due to the use of maternity and parental leave. |
Trg Republike Hrvatske 3, room 40 (4. kat - potkrovlje) |
Literature |
Ravnić, Anton; Osnove radnog prava; Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu (2004), str. 571-650 |
Weiss Manfred; European Labour Law in Transition from 1985-2010; The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 26 (2010), 1, (2010), str. 3-16 |
Bercusson, Brian; The Lisbon Treaty and Social Europe. Conference "Recent developments in European Labour Law", Trier on 3-4 April 2008.; , str |
Konvencija MOR-a br. 29 o prisilnom i obveznom radu (NN MU br. 5/00); , str |
Konvencija MOR-a br. 87 o slobodi udruživanja i zaštiti prava na organiziranje (NN MU br. 3/00); , str |
Konvencija MOR-a br. 98 o primjeni načela prava na organiziranje i kolektivnog pregovaranja (NN MU br. 3/00); , str |
Konvencija MOR-a br. 100 o jednakosti plaća radnika i radnica za rad jednake vrijednosti (NN MU br. 3/00); , str |
Konvencija MOR-a br. 111 o diskriminaciji u odnosu na zaposlenje i zanimanje(NN MU br. 5/00); , str |
Konvencija MOR-a br. 135 o zaštiti predstavnika radnika u poduzeću i pogodnostima koje bi im trebalo osigurati (NN MU br. 5/00); , str |
Europska socijalna povelja (NN MU br. 15/02), vidjeti i Internet stranicu:; , str |
Direktiva 2006/54/EZ o provedbi načela jednakih mogućnosti i jednakog postupanja prema muškarcima i ženama u pitanjima zapošljavanja i rada (preinaka),; , str |
Direktiva Vijeća 2000/78/EZ o uspostavi općeg okvira za jednako postupanje pri zapošljavanju i obavljanju zanimanja,; , str |
Description |
Labour Law: The concept of international labour law, international public labour law and international private labour law; the relation between international and internal labour law; the organisation of international labour law; sources of international labour law; international labour law and basic/human rights. International organisation of labour; establishment, scope and aims of the International Labour Organisation; membership of the International Labour Organisation; tripartite structure of the International Labour Organisation; International Labour Organisation bodies. Conventions and recommendations of International Labour Organisation; other legal acts of International Labour Organisation; application and control over the application of conventions and recommendations of International Labour Organisation. European labour law; the Council of Europe and European Union; sources and application of European labour law; adjustment and application of the European Union law. International collective labour relations; organisations of employees and employers. Social security law: The concept of international social security law; the relation between international and national social security law; the organisation of international social security law; sources of international social security law; international social security law and fundamental/human rights. The concepts of social security, social insurance and social welfare. International social standards. The World Health Organisation; the establishment, scope and aims of the World Health Organisation; membership of the World Health Organisation; the World Health Organisation bodies. European social security law; the Council of Europe and European Union; sources and application of European social security law; adjustment and application of the European Union law; European social fund. |
Exam dates |
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