Drama-Pedagogical Procedures in Social Work
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Drama-Pedagogical Procedures in Social Work
Study: Social Work - 7. semester
Code: 62018
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Slavica Blažeka Kokorić
Exam dates:
  • 12. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Drama-Pedagogical Procedures in Social Work Social Work - 7. semester
3.0 62018
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Slavica Blažeka Kokorić

Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:00 am

Nazorova 51, room 9
REQUIRED: Blažeka, S.; Dramski odgoj u radu s djecom i mladima. U J. Janković i A. Peko (ur.), Zajedno jači 2.; Proni centar za socijalno podučavanje (2002), str. 83-101
REQUIRED: Blažeka Kokorić, S., Majdak, M., Rumenović, M.; Primjena odgojne drame u radu s maloljetnim počiniteljima kaznenih djela; Kriminologija i socijalna integracija, 19(1) (2011), str. 99-110
REQUIRED: Boal, A.; Igre za glumce i ne-glumce; Hrvatski centar za dramski odgoj - Pili-poslovi d.o.o (2009), str
REQUIRED: Gruić, I.; Prolaz u zamišljeni svijet: Procesna drama ili drama u nastajanju: priručnik za odgajatelje, učitelje, nastavnike i sve one koji se bave dramskim radom s djecom i mladima; Golden marketing (2002), str
REQUIRED: Janković, J., Blažeka, S., Rambousek, M.; Dramske tehnike u prevenciji poremećaja u ponašanju i psihičkom funkcioniranju djece i mladih s posebnim potrebama; Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada, 7 (2) (2000), str. 197-223
REQUIRED: Krušić, V. (ur.); Ne raspravljaj, igraj! Priručnik forum-kazališta; Hrvatski centar za dramski odgoj - Pili poslovi d.o.o (2007), str
REQUIRED: Scher, A., Verrall, C.; 100 + ideja za dramu; Pili-poslovi d.o.o. (2005), str
REQUIRED: Scher, A., Verrall, C.; Novih100 + ideja za dramu; Pili-poslovi d.o.o (2006), str
REQUIRED: Skripta iz predavanja; , str
RECOMMENDED: Fileš, G. i sur.; Zamisli, doživi, izrazi!Dramske metode u nastavi hrvatskoj jezika; Hrvatski centar za dramski odgoj - Pili poslovi d.o.o (2008), str
RECOMMENDED: Krušić, V.; Dramski odgoj - svjetski pokret; Umjetnost i dijete, 27(4/5/6) (1995), str
RECOMMENDED: Krušić, V.; Terapijske mogućnosti drame. U M. Prstačić (ur.), Umjetnost i znanost u razvoju životnog potencijala: radovi s međunarodnog simpozija; Hrvatska udruga za psihosocijalnu onkologiju i Zagreb: Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2002), str. 269-274
RECOMMENDED: Lekić, K. i sur.; Igram se, a učim.Dramski postupci u razrednoj nastavi; Hrvatski centar za dramski odgoj - Pili-poslovi d.o.o (2007), str
RECOMMENDED: Neelands, J.; Structuring Drama Work: A handbook of available forms in theatre and drama; Cambridge University Press (1990), str
The course aims to introduced those students who are interested with the development of dramatic pedagogy and modern approaches in drama-pedagogical work with children and the youth, and with the possibility of using different drama-pedagogical procedures in social work. The students will also gain practical knowledge about the possibility of using certain techniques in the work with different groups of users, about the indications when and who with and in what way is it desirable to use an individual technique, the aims that can be achieved through such work and advantages and possible difficulties in their usage. The main purpose of the course is to develop skills of creative expression and critical analysis, increasing the level of sensitivity, awareness of students of the possibility of personal active action directed towards solving certain social problems through the application of drama-pedagogical procedures in social work profession (f.e. the problem of violence, social exclusion, gender perspective and similar issues).
Course description
- Concept of "dramatic education - educational drama"
- Historical development of modern drama-pedagogy world-wide.
- Drama work with children and the youth in Croatia.
- Drama games
- Drama exercises
- Drama improvisation.
- Process drama and various dramatic techniques.
- Forum-theatre.
- Play-back theatre.
- Using psycho-drama elements in casework and group work.
- Possibility of application of drama-pedagogical procedures with various groups of users in social work (advantages and possible difficulties)
Exam dates
12. 09. 2024.