Social Work Ethics
Katedra za teoriju i metodologiju socijalnog rada English
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Social Work Ethics
Study: Social Work - 2. semester
Code: 20047
ECTS: 3.0
Course coordinators: prof. dr. sc. Nino Žganec
Exam dates:
  • 12. 09. 2024.
Exam registration: Studomat
Basic data
Social Work Ethics Social Work - 2. semester
3.0 20047
Lecturer in charge Consultations Location
prof. dr. sc. Nino Žganec Nazorova 51, room 12
REQUIRED: Međunarodna federacija socijalnih radnika (prevela D. Ajduković); Etička načela i standardi socijalnog rada; Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada 8 (2) (2001), str. 227-234
REQUIRED: Brajša Žganec, A. i Žganec, N; Neka etička pitanja u istraživanjima s djecom smještenom u ustanove socijalne skrbi; Dijete i društvo 5 (1) (2003), str
REQUIRED: Čehok, I. i Koprek, I.; Etika - Priručnik jedne discipline; Školska knjiga (1996), str
REQUIRED: Žganec, N.; Etika pomažućih profesija - primjer socijalnog rada; Ljetopis Studijskog centra socijalnog rada, 6 (1) (1999), str. 17-27
RECOMMENDED: Žižak, A. i Koller-Trbović, N.; Sudjelovanje djeteta u procesu procjene potreba I planiranja intervencija; Dijete i društvo, 5 (1) (2003), str. 119 - 136
RECOMMENDED: Abramson, M.; Toward a More Holistic Understanding of Ethics in Social Work; Social Work in Health Care, 23 (2) (1996), str. 1-14
RECOMMENDED: Banks, S.; Professional Ethics in Social Work - What Future; British Journal of Social Work, 28 (2) (1988), str. 213-231
RECOMMENDED: Banks, S.; Codes of Ethics and Ethical Conduct - A View from the Caring Professions; Public Money Management, 18 (1) (1988), str. 27-30
RECOMMENDED: Reamer, F.G.; The Evolution of Social Work Ethics; Social Work 43 (6) (1998), str. 488-500
Students will learn about the importance of the observation and application of ethical principles in social work practice, as well as about the relation between ethics of social work and other disciplines. Special emphasis will be given to the role and importance of professional ethics for the development of professions and on individual areas that permanently cause ethical dilemmas in the work of the professionals and the possibilities of their solution.

Course description
- Terminological determinations: what is ethics and what is not
- Ethics and values
- Ethical dilemma
- Setting standards of ethics
- Theoretical approaches to ethics and ethical directions
- General and professional ethics
- Elements of the code of ethics
- Specific features of the ethics of social work
- Ethical decision-making in social work
Exam dates
12. 09. 2024.